45 minutes presentation includes 10 minutes of Q&A.
DILO Company Inc.
Certified SF6 Gas - The 3-R's & Reconditioning vs Virgin SF6 Gas
The scope of this presentation is to provide information on Certified SF6 Gas that is processed using the 3-R’s method and/or through the reconditioning of SF6 gas process and how impacts the reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions versus new/virgin SF6 gas.
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Physical Security Technologies for Electrical Utility Infrastructure
Governments and regulatory organizations continue to institute critical infrastructure protection (CIP) programs to ensure the stability and safe operation of the electrical grid distribution system. This presentation will look at physical security technologies to help electrical facilities deter, detect, delay, assess, communicate, and respond to threats.
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Measurable Benefits of reducing CMI
Governments and regulatory organizations continue to institute critical infrastructure protection (CIP) programs to ensure the stability and safe operation of the electrical grid distribution system. This presentation will look at physical security technologies to help electrical facilities deter, detect, delay, assess, communicate, and respond to threats.
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CTC Global Corporation
The Evolution / Revolution of Overhead Conductors... and why it matters
Facing economic and environmental challenges on a global scale, with an aged electric power grid and an expected demand for electricity to increase by more than 50% over the next several decades, the time has come to leverage modern conductor technologies to build a stronger, more robust and efficient power grid.
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