Transmission And Distribution Channel

Transmission And Distribution

Transmission And Distribution is the physical network used for the delivery of electric power from utility and non-utility generation sources to industrial, commercial, institutional and residential electricity consumers. Fast-changing consumer demands and environmental conditions place great demands on the North American transmission & distribution infrastructure. These challenges are opportunities for electric utility power planners, engineers, operators and construction and maintenance personnel who have the responsibility for ensuring the long-term adequacy of the Overhead Transmission And Distribution infrastructure. Engineering and re-engineering transmission & distribution networks is an evolving activity, as Overhead T&D networks must also keep pace with demands for monitoring and control, automation, as well as cyber security. Our Transmission And Distribution Channel provides you with the latest information about technologies, companies, products and applications available in the marketplace today.

News From Sediver USA, Inc.

Sediver is the pioneer and industry leader in high voltage toughened glass insulation technology for more than 70 years. Our outstanding track record confirms the quality of our products, with 600 million toughened glass insulators in service, on both AC&DC lines, in 150 countries and every climatic condition. In North America, nearly 40M  Sediver glass insulators have been providing reliable service to more than 100 utilities since more than 50 years.

Sediver Research Center has developed state of the art smart solutions for real-time monitoring of leakage current & predictive maintenance. Sediver technical assistance team helps support our  customers by providing T/ line insulation design expertise and testing of aging insulators for end-of-life diagnostics.

Sediver offers a full range of:

  • Cap & Pin toughened glass insulators for AC & DC Transmission lines (ANSI & CSA standards), with M&E Ratings up to  200 000 lbs (860 KN).

  • Glass suspension insulators for distribution lines 15-69KV,

  • RTV coated glass insulators (Sedicoat) for polluted environments.

  • Glass Insulators for insulated HV/T-line shield wires.

  • Large diameter glass insulators for mitigation of bird droppings on suspension strings.

Testing facilities in the USA

Sediver's West Memphis laboratory regularly performs such work, providing US utilities with clear factual diagnostics.

• State-of-the-art testing equipment

• Sediver’s unique expertise in the evaluation of the results

• Full support from Sediver’s extensive R&D Team

• Experience with complex case studies for refurbishment/upgrades of AC and DC lines

On-site Training Transmission And Distribution

Interested in Cost Effective, Professional On-site Electrical Transmission And Distribution Training?

We can present an Electrical Training Course to your electrical engineering and maintenance staff, on your premises, tailored to your specific equipment and requirements. Click on the link below to request a FREE quotation.


Transmission And Distribution Companies

T&D On-Line Buyer's Guide

The Electricity Forum Online Transmission & Distribution Buyer's Guide is an interactive reference tool for buyers and specifiers, providing information on equipment, companies, products and services for North America's electrical industry. Search through hundreds of leading Suppliers and thousands of product categories. Add Your Company Today!

Free T&D Magazine Subscription

The Electricity Forum is a North American "value added" publisher of Transmission & Distribution print/digital magazine: Electricity Today - a leading electrical transmission and distribution magazine. Magazine is distributed FREE of charge to North American electrical industry professionals.

Contribute To The Electricity Forum

The Electricity Forum is interested in publishing your technical, non-commercial articles, on a wide variety of subjects. We are seeking original content for our Transmission and Distribution Channels. Click here to view our author guidelines and submit your article today!