NorthWestern seeking renewable energy projects

BUTTE, MONTANA - NorthWestern Energy is looking to buy a renewable energy project that generates 25 megawatts to 75 megawatts of electricity.

The company said it has issued a request for information to owners or developers of potential projects. Responses are due by the end of September.

John Hines, NorthWestern's chief energy supply officer, says the RFI is open to all qualified renewable energy resources, including wind, biomass, landfill gas and hydrogen.

The company would prefer to purchase the projects, but it will consider other options such as an equity interest in a larger project or long-term power purchase agreements. It will only consider projects that deliver both renewable energy and the associated renewable energy credits.

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 Colin Mulvey, Project Manager

Scottish North Sea wind farm to resume construction after Covid-19 stoppage

GLASGOW - Neart Na Gaoithe (NnG) Offshore Wind Farm, owned by  EDF Renewables and Irish firm ESB, stopped construction in March.

Project boss Matthias Haag announced last night the 54-turbine wind farm would restart construction this week.

Located off Scotland’s east coast, it was awarded a Contract for Difference (CfD) in 2015 and will look to generate enough energy to power 375,000 homes.

It is expected to create around 500 jobs while also delivering £540 million to the local economy.

Mr Haag, NnG project director, said the wind farm build would resume with a small, staggered workforce return in line social distancing rules.

He added:…


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