Hydro-Québec turns to steel suppliers for transmission towers

Montreal, Québec -- - Montreal, Québec -- In the coming years, Hydro-QuébecÂ’s needs for steel towers will rise to double its regular average annual purchases. This temporary increase can be attributed to a number of major electricity transmission projects in Québec.

Market benchmarking carried out by Hydro-Québec shows that the cost of steel towers is approximately 40 percent lower on the international market. Hydro-Québec therefore decided to invite international suppliers, as well as local suppliers, to respond to a request for proposals to supply 5,000 tonnes of steel for towers.

Following a call for expressions of interest at the end of 2014, Hydro-Québec prequalified seven new international suppliers in this field. The addition of these new players will allow Hydro-Québec to take advantage of competitive prices internationally when purchasing additional steel towers, for the benefit of all Hydro-Québec customers. Hydro-Québec began this process many months ago and it has long been known by Québec suppliers.

In addition, Québec-based suppliers of steel towers, with whom Hydro-Québec has developed a long-standing business relationship, may see their volume increase by taking part in this international call for tenders if their bid is competitive.

Hydro-Québec is a driving force in economic development and has long favored suppliers from Québec. In 2014, goods and services purchased from Québec companies totalled $3,112 million. The number of jobs in Québec supported by our overall procurement of goods and services is estimated at 17,700, including 12,300 direct jobs.

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