No carbon caps in IndiaÂ’s future, minister says

NEW DELHI, INDIA - Top Indian officials dismissed a draft climate change proposal by Denmark that expects developing economies to peak greenhouse gas emissions by 2025, reports said.

The draft document was circulated to a few countries ahead of the December 7-18 summit in Copenhagen, which is supposed to draw up an agreement for controlling emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases causing global warming.

Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh said the Danish draft was "totally unacceptable," The Economic Times reported.

"We are never going to take on a peaking year for absolute emissions. This is not on the horizon."

In Copenhagen, Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen said Denmark had not presented an official draft but was consulting "all the key stakeholders" ahead of the climate summit.

India has said it is prepared to take measures to slow emissions, but it refuses to accept the same kind of emissions cap required of industrial countries.

The Economic Times also said the Danish draft proposal suggests a separate schedule for developing countries, another move that India opposes.

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