IESO board appoints new chair
TORONTO, ONTARIO - The Board of Directors of the Independent Electricity System Operator IESO announced the appointment of Tim O'Neill as Chair of the Board.
President of O'Neill Strategic Economics and a Visiting Professor at Duke University, O'Neill is also a member of the Canadian Employment Insurance Financing Board and a Director of the United Church of Canada Foundation.
After retiring from BMO Financial Group where he served as Executive Vice President and Chief Economist, he was the first H. Ian MacDonald Visiting Economist with the Ontario government. O'Neill served as President of the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council after teaching in the Department of Economics at St. Mary's University in Halifax for 12 years. He has served as a consultant to several provincial governments, as well as the federal government.
The appointment follows the departure of Jim Hinds, who resigned from the IESO Board and was subsequently appointed Chair of the Board of Directors of the Ontario Power Authority.
"I look forward to working with Tim and the rest of the Board of Directors as the IESO facilitates the changes in the sector while maintaining reliable and efficient operations," said Paul Murphy, President and CEO of the IESO. "Jim has earned our thanks for capably leading the IESO Board over the past three years and for chairing our Audit Committee before that. The IESO has benefited from Jim's leadership and his commitment to serve the organization."
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