Stacey Electric worker killed by TTC bus

TORONTO, ONTARIO - A 42-year-old construction worker was killed after he was struck by a Toronto Transit Commission bus.

Two Stacey Electric workers were doing maintenance work on the underpass of a bridge at Bathurst Street and Dupont Avenue around 8 p.m. on December 23 when the bus changed lanes and struck the spotter, who was watching for traffic and standing on the roadway.

He was pronounced dead at the scene.

The bus, which had been southbound, also hit a maintenance bucket that was overhanging into the passing lane. A 51-year-old worker inside the bucket was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Bus passengers were not injured, and Bathurst Street at Dupont has reopened.

There is no word yet on whether charges will be laid. The driver of the bus, a 50-year-old woman, is expected to receive crisis counseling.

Toronto police Insp. Reuben Stroble said police are trying to piece together what went wrong.

"We're trying to figure that part out, as to why the maintenance workers were at the scene doing work at that particular location at this particular time," he said. "So we have investigators right now just speaking with Stacey Electric and they're co-operating with us, and also the TTC are also co-operating."

The accident is the fourth involving a TTC vehicle in a week.

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