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UL begins work on utility meter standard for Canada

Canada -- - UL Underwriters Laboratories is pleased to announce that Canadian stakeholders, with the assistance of UL technical experts, are set to begin work on the development of an electric utility meter standard for Canada.

The new standard will cover the electrical safety of electric utility meters, addressing a concern raised by multiple stakeholders across Canada.

To facilitate an expedited process, the current Standard for Electric Utility Meters, UL 2735, already being used in both Canada and the United States for testing and verification, will be used as the basis for the development of a Canadian standard.

“We are pleased that we can deliver on our commitment to meet the standards needs of Canadians,” said Robert A. Williams, vice president, Standards, UL Inc. “The ability to use the existing UL standard as a base document will assist a more efficient and cost-effective process in meeting those needs.”

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