News Archive Article

Hydro One upgrades Chesterville transformer station

Toronto, Ontario -- - Hydro One has completed a $10.5 million refurbishment of its Chesterville transformer station, located in the Township of Winchester. The refurbishment will improve long-term reliability for customers as the two transformers replaced were approaching end-of-life.

"The refurbishment of the Chesterville transformer station is part of Hydro One's ongoing investment in upgrading and maintaining electricity infrastructure," said Carm Marcello, President & CEO, Hydro One. "It will allow Hydro One to improve reliability for our existing customers and meet the needs of the community as it continues to grow."

The project also involved upgrading the new transformers spill pits and the installation of an oil water separator to meet Ministry of Environment standards. The replacement of the new equipment will improve the station's ability to switch power between lines to make sure customers have the reliable power they need.

Hydro One delivers electricity safely, reliably, and responsibly to homes and businesses across the province of Ontario and owns and operates Ontario's 29,000 km high- voltage transmission network that delivers electricity to large industrial customers and municipal utilities, and a 122,000 km low-voltage distribution system that serves about 1.3 million end-use customers and smaller municipal utilities in the province. Hydro One is wholly owned by the Province of Ontario.

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