Nuclear receives key senate support
WASHINGTON DC - A clean energy standard that includes nuclear power has the support of Senate energy committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., as long as it's done in a way that also helps the development of renewable energy.
Bingaman made his position known Mon., following Pres. Obama's call in the state of the union for 80 of the nation's electricity to come from clean sources by 2035. In the past, Bingaman has been skeptical of a broader mandate that includes nuclear power.
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OPINION Rewiring Indian electricity
NEW DELHI - India's electricity industry is in a financial and political tangle.
Power producers sit on thousands of megawatts of underutilized plant, while consumers face frequent power cuts, both planned and unplanned.
Financially troubled generators struggle to escape insolvency proceedings. The state-owned banks that have mostly financed power utilities fear that debts of troubled utilities totaling 1.74 trillion rupees will soon go bad.
Aggressive bidding for supply contracts and slower-than-expected demand growth is the root cause. The problems are compounded by difficulties in securing coal and other fuels, high transmission losses, electricity theft and cash-starved distribution companies.
But India's 36 state and union…