Hydro-Quebec: Energy demand hits historical peak

MONTREAL -- - In early January, requirements for electrical energy hit a new high of 35,137 MW. This new peak was even higher than the 34,989 MW recorded last year on January 22, which exceeded the forecast demand of 35,900 MW.

The cooperation of the population helped bring the demand down.

Additionally, the outside temperature was minus 28 degrees Celsius at peak time, higher than the expected 31 degrees Celsius, with a wind force of 17 kph.

Officicials at Hydro-Quebec said that in the past 60 years such temperatures have been recorded only three times over two consecutive days.

"Consequently, we are looking at exceptionally rigorous climatic conditions," said a Hydro-Quebec press release.

With a view to the extreme cold front that struck Quebec in mid-January, Hydro-Québec continued to request the population to cut down on its consumption of electricity during peak periods.

The most effective steps that the public can take are the following:

- reduce heating by 2 degrees in occupied rooms;

- reduce lighting to a basic minimum;

- restrict the use of hot water;

- avoid using dishwashers, washing machines and dryers.

For its part, Hydro-Québec has been making its own contribution by reducing heating and lighting to its lowest possible level in all its Québec facilities.

Additionally, Hydro-Québec management has been in touch with the authorities in the major cities around Québec asking for their cooperation.

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