Nominations needed for 2008 Demand Response Awards

ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND - The Peak Load Management Alliance (PLMA) is announcing an awards program for the best demand response programs offered in the year 2008. Deadline for submittal date is March 13, 2009.

The awards will be presented at the PLMA Spring Conference scheduled April 29-30, 2009 at the Loews Annapolis Hotel in Annapolis, Maryland.

Blackouts, power shortages and price spikes have been big news in the past few years. PLMA was formed as an alliance of organizations of suppliers of electricity, load shedding systems manufacturers, consultants, research groups and trade associations to promote the concepts and technologies of reducing demand for electricity in response to pricing signals in the marketplace.

“There were a lot of innovative and creative load reduction programs being operated during the year 2008,” remarked Elliot Boardman, Executive Director of PLMA. “This Awards program is a way to recognize and highlight the best of these programs.”

The awards will be given based on the following criteria:

• Results (the value of demand or energy reductions during peak periods);

• Customer satisfaction;

• Program clarity, flexibility and ease of participation;

• Program management;

• Customer education;

• Innovative use of demand response and/or communication technology;

• Management of program and/or customer performance information;

• Cost effectiveness;

• Long-term viability.

The entry form can be obtained from the PLMA web site at

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