Luminant employees set more than 35 safety records

DALLAS, TEXAS - Luminant employeesÂ’ dedicated focus on safety is more evident than ever with more than 35 safety milestones achieved in the past six months; of those, 15 are significant new safety records.

“I am impressed with the remarkable number of new safety records our employees accomplished in the last half of 2009,” said Mike Williams, Luminant chief fossil officer. “Their commitment proves that safety isn’t just something we talk about, it’s a behavior we actively embrace day in and day out. I hope the achievements of 2009 inspire our team to reach even higher in 2010, strengthening our position as an industry leader in this critical area.”

Among the major safety milestones reached in the second half of 2009:

• Luminant’s entire power plant fleet reached two years without a lost-time injury, the equivalent of nearly nine million safe work hours;

• Oak Hill Mine achieved five million safe work hours – a company first among the mining fleet;

• Stryker Creek Power Plant reached 34 years without a lost-time injury; DeCordova Power Plant achieved 29 years without a lost-time injury; Lake Hubbard Power Plant accomplished 28 years without a lost-time injury; and Valley Power Plant completed 26 years without a lost-time injury;

• Big Brown, Comanche Peak Nuclear, Sandow and Stryker Creek power plants each achieved one year without a recordable injury; this means that during this time not one employee received an injury requiring medical treatment beyond basic first aid.

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