Condenser leaks reduce power at reactor
LOUISA, VIRGINIA - Dominion Virginia Power has reduced power in a reactor at its North Anna plant so crews can repair leaks in a water-condensing unit.
Dominion spokesman Richard Zuercher told The Richmond Times-Dispatch that the utility expects to return the Unit 2 reactor to full power soon.
Zuercher says Unit 2 was reduced to 84 percent capacity after the leaks were discovered January 6.
North Anna's other reactor, Unit 1, has continued to operate at full power.
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Nova Scotia Premier calls on regulators to reject 14% electricity rate hike agreement
HALIFAX - Nova Scotia Premier Tim Houston is calling on provincial regulators to reject a settlement agreement between Nova Scotia Power and customer groups that would see electricity rates rise by nearly 14 per cent over the next two years.
"It is our shared responsibility to protect ratepayers and I can't state strongly enough how concerned I am that the agreement before you does not do that," Houston wrote in a letter to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board late Monday.
Houston urged the three-member panel to "set the agreement aside and reach its own conclusion on the aforementioned application."
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