Italy to reach 2020 solar target this year
ITALY - Italy's total installed photovoltaic capacity can reach 8,000 megawatts by the end of this year, hitting a target the country has set for 2020, Italy's state energy services agency GSE said.
Italy's total installed photovoltaic capacity, which turns sunlight into power, jumped to 3,000 MW at the end of 2010 from 1,142 MW at the end of 2009 as operators rushed to sign up for generous incentives which expired at the end of 2010, GSE said in a statement.
The total figure would rise to 7,000 MW if capacity installed by the end of 2010 but not yet connected to grid was included, GSE said adding such capacity must be connected to the grid by the end of June to qualify for earlier incentives.
Italy has cut production incentives for its PV market, the third-biggest in Europe, in the 2011-2013 period to bring them in line with falling costs of PV modules.
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