Veridian raises over $35,000 for United Way

AJAX, ONTARIO - Veridian employees have raised over $35,000 as part of the company's 2010 fund-raising campaign for the United Way.

Since Veridian's inception in 1999, almost $366,000 has been raised for the United Way - a testament to the company's commitment to helping those in need and building strong communities.

Diana Hills-Milligan, Veridian's United Way Campaign Coordinator, praised employees for another successful United Way fund-raising campaign, and for their support of individuals and families in the communities served by Veridian that are in need of assistance. "I'm very proud of the financial assistance that we continue to provide to the communities that we serve," said Hills-Milligan. "We're making a real difference to the lives of people who rely on the local agencies funded by the United Way."

Veridian's United Way fund-raising campaign was generously supported by employee contributions and various fund-raising events held at the company's offices. In addition to the company's annual budget for community building, education and hospitals, Veridian and its employees donate without hesitation to many worthwhile causes and community organizations like the United Way.

Customer Connections Representative Liz Justice played an integral role in the company's fund-raising efforts and commented on her colleagues support, saying, "a common thread among Veridian employees is our commitment to corporate social responsibility. The United Way fund-raising campaign is just one way Veridian is making our communities better."

Michael Angemeer, Veridian's President and CEO, echoed Hills-Milligan's congratulatory message and pointed to the payroll deduction program as a major contributor to the campaign's success. "We have a great team of employees who are passionate about giving back to the communities we serve, and I'm always taken aback by their generosity," commented Angemeer.

"I was particularly impressed to learn that almost 50 per cent of our employees signed-up for the payroll deduction program. For a company with just over 200 employees, Veridian made a valuable contribution to the United Way in 2010."

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