IESO and OPA merge

Ontario -- - The Independent Electricity System Operator IESO and the Ontario Power Authority OPA have now merged, operating as one organization.

This new organization is responsible for the real-time operation of the Ontario electricity system and market, long-term energy planning, procurement, and the promotion of a conservation culture in the province. Amalgamation will achieve efficiencies going forward by reducing overlap, reducing costs and streamlining electricity sector planning.

"The merger of the two organizations brings together a breadth of expertise and experience in the operation of and planning for the province's power system," said Bruce Campbell, President and CEO of the IESO. "It deepens our role within the energy sector, allowing us to more effectively engage with stakeholders on key issues and develop new and more efficient approaches to meet the needs of all Ontarians."

The IESO is working to ensure the transition is as seamless as possible for customers and stakeholders. The IESO manages the province's power system so that Ontarians receive power when and where they need it. It plans and prepares for future electricity needs, and works with its partners to guide conservation efforts.

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