2 of 4 transformers break down in White Plains

- A small army of Consolidated Edison workers is in White Plains trying to repair two of four transformers that help supply power to approximately 38,000 customers in the city and the town of Harrison.

Utility spokesman Chris Olert confirmed recently that two of the four transformers at the New Street substation were down, but said the substation "is designed to supply electricity to White Plains and surrounding areas with two transformers.

"There has been no interruption in service," he said. "The system is designed to work safely with two transformers."

Olert said one transformer went out because of problems with an underground feeder line. The other stopped working two days later because of equipment problems within the unit.

He added one should be repaired by the weekend and the other in August.

Asked if the city would experience blackouts if there were a sudden increase in demand for electricity or if one of the two remaining transformers failed, Olert said, "potentially."

Olert stressed there have been no power failures and said Con Edison had notified the city of the problem.

Dozens of utility company work crews were scattered through the city recently, testing and, in some cases, replacing power lines.

The city's deputy public safety commissioner, David Chong, said city officials didn't anticipate any problems but were prepared if power outages do occur.

"We're well aware of the situation, and we're in daily contact with Con Ed," Chong said. "If, by any chance, there were to be a power failure, both the police and fire bureaus have contingency plans and will be ready to respond."

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