California power grid cleared for renewable power
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - The California power grid manager praised a decision taken by the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FERC designed to alleviate bottlenecks in connecting new power generation projects to the transmission grid in California.
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NRC Begins Special Inspection at River Bend Nuclear Power Plant
WASHINGTON - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has begun a special inspection at the River Bend nuclear power plant to review circumstances related to the failure of five portable emergency diesel generators during testing. The plant, operated by Entergy Operations, is located in St. Francisville, La.
The generators are used to supply power to plant systems in the event of a prolonged loss of off-site electrical power coupled with a failure of the permanently installed emergency generators. These portable generators were acquired as part of the facility's safety enhancements mandated by the NRC following the 2011 accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi facility…