Progress Energy may trim jobs in Florida

TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA - Progress Energy Florida, one of Tampa Bay's largest employers, is considering a "reduction in our work force," according to a memo to employees from Michael Lewis, second in command at the company.

The utility has been struggling with slowed customer growth due to the stalled housing market. The company will release more information later this summer and plans to release second-quarter results Aug. 7.

The work force reductions are limited to the Florida utility and do not impact the company's operations in North and South Carolina, at least not yet, said Mike Hughes, a Progress Energy spokesman in North Carolina.

"We've seen a slowdown in the Carolinas, but not to the extent we've seen in Florida," Hughes said.

The St. Petersburg utility employs 4,300 workers in Florida.

No information was released on the number of workers likely to be affected.

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