News Archive Article

Canadian Electricity Association Releases Guidelines For Smart Grid Standards

OTTAWA - - The Canadian Electricity Association released a guideline for the selection and use of smart grid standards.

The new guideline is intended to provide a framework for electric utilities and other decision-makers in selecting standards related to modernizing electricity infrastructure.

The guideline contains eight fundamental principles and fifteen elective criteria intended to assist manufacturers and users of smart grid technologies in developing and integrating new and emerging technologies. The intent of the underlying principles is to ensure the continued reliability, safety and efficiency of the Canadian electric utility system.

Modernizing the electricity system will both influence and affect the electricity sector and the standards that are a fundamental part of utility operations.

"Canadian utilities are investing prudently in smart grid development efforts as they begin to seize the opportunity to modernize the grid for the next generation" said Ivano Labricciosa, Chair of the CEA Smart Grid Standards Task Group and Vice President, Asset Management at Toronto Hydro. "Many utilities have been working on Smart Grid projects that monitor, interface, interconnect, and leverage electronic technology to deliver improvements in grid reliability. These globally-recognized leading projects, however, require investment in and support for the development of recognized equipment and systems standards."

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