News Archive Article

FuelCell to provide 1 MW for California wastewater treatment plant

RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA - FuelCell Energy, Inc. announced the sale of its DFC1500MA power plant to operate on anaerobic digester gas from a sewage treatment facility serving the southern California city of Riverside. The facility treats 30 million gallons of wastewater daily.

Riverside will own and operate the DFC1500MA at Riverside's Water Quality Control Plant through its Public Works Department and will assume ownership of the unit upon project completion.

Renewable fuel for the DFC1500MA power plant will come from gas generated in the wastewater treatment process. This digester gas until now has been used by three reciprocating engines that power the treatment plant. Fuel cells will convert the digester gas into electricity electrochemically - without combustion - thereby reducing emissions of SO2 and NOx. FuelCell Energy said the system's higher efficiency will result in lower carbon dioxide emissions.

California's Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) is providing $4.5 million for the project through the Southern California Gas Company. The SGIP program was developed to foster the installation of specific renewable and clean generation sources throughout the state, including fuel cell power plants.

Since its inception in 2001, SGIP incentives have been updated and expanded to support the creation of more green energy. Current SGIP funding levels have been extended by the California legislature until January 1, 2012.

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