Power supply should meet summer demand

CALIFORNIA - Blackouts are not likely this summer due to an increase in power supply, according to a report released by the California Independent System Operator Corp.

The California ISO's summer assessment report said an estimated 700 megawatts of new generation will be added to the ISO control area this year, as well as 230 megawatts in new demand response programs. These new generations roughly equal the 1,000 megawatt growth in the base load since last summer.

The ISO expects demand to peak at 47,847 megawatts. Last summer, unexpectedly high temperatures caused the demand to reach 50,270, a historic high on July 24, 2006.

Despite the increase in supply, ISO vice president of operations Jim Detmers said voluntary conservation will be needed to balance supply and demand.

"We will count on consumer to do their part to reduce electricity use on peak days when the California appetite for megawatts rises with the mercury," he said. "New power plants, transmission additions and demand response resources will help us keep pace with load growth, but margins will be tight on peak days, especially in Southern California."

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