Canada Post gets stamp of approval from Hydro Ottawa

OTTAWA, ONTARIO - Canada Post is delivering record energy savings after a year of significant investments in energy-efficient technologies. To recognize this outstanding achievement Hydro Ottawa is presenting Canada Post with this month's Companies for Conservation award.

"Canada Post is demonstrating environmental leadership by completing retrofits that cut both its operational costs and carbon footprint," said Rosemarie Leclair, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Hydro Ottawa Group of Companies. "It's my hope that the positive actions of corporations like Canada Post serve as an inspiration for others looking to cut their energy use."

Following an energy audit in 2008, Canada Post made significant investments to improve the energy efficiency of its head office at 2701 Riverside Drive. Canada Post installed motion sensors in 400,000 square feet of office space to ensure lights were turned off when the space was not in use. Inside elevators, incandescent lighting was replaced with new compact fluorescent bulbs. Day light sensors were also installed on the parking garage, saving about 40,000 kilowatts of electricity each year.

Facility employees use ecologically friendly cleaning products, and paper certified by the Forestry Stewardship Council. A company communications program delivers "Green Tips" to employees each month.

"At Canada Post, we are not only proud of these positive results, but also how these actions have inspired others to go green," said Andre Belanger, director of operational assets and environmental management. "We're pleased that our employees have embraced this push to conserve power through new programs and technologies."

Other green initiatives include changing to low flow toilets and faucets, which save more than $22,000 in water costs each year. Canada Post has also improved the efficiency of the boiler and HVAC system by implementing new controls.

'Companies for Conservation' is an initiative to celebrate the exciting and innovative conservation projects being undertaken by commercial electricity users in Ottawa. The program recognizes local companies or organizations for their conservation leadership.

Electricity consumers both large and small can learn more about saving electricity, and the programs that can help them do so, by visiting

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