Two Kansas co-ops to get millions for storm repair

KANSAS - Two northcentral Kansas electric cooperatives have learned that they'll receive nearly all the federal funding help they requested for ice storm repairs.

Solomon-based DS&O Rural Electric Cooperative said in a news release that $15.4 million has been granted to fix 315 miles of damaged power lines in eight counties. Bluestem Electric Cooperative, with offices in Clay Center and Wamego, is to receive $13.7 million for 276 miles of damaged power line in 11 counties.

The deadly December 2007 storm knocked out power to nearly 60,000 cooperative members statewide.

Five municipal systems and 22 rural electric cooperatives negotiated with the Federal Emergency Management Agency over storm assessment guidelines. The talks started after FEMA offered about $39 million for what the utilities estimated was about $340 million in damage.

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