GE turns to Ontario for Smart Grid centre

MARKHAM, ONTARIO - OntarioÂ’s power grid is about to become smarter, more efficient and more reliable.

Through a partnership with the Ontario government, GE Canada is establishing the GE Grid IQ Innovation Centre in Markham. The new centre will develop and manufacture smart grid products and services to help OntarioÂ’s power grid:

• Detect outages and automatically re-route power to downed areas

• Manage the shutdown of downed power lines to increase safety and reduce fire hazards

• Keep critical organizations running if there is a power disruption.

Over time, smart grid technologies will provide Ontario families with the ability to control their power usage from the comfort of their home, office, cottage, or any place that has an internet connection.

This new global centre of excellence will develop and manufacture smart grid products and services for Ontario — and the world. It will ensure Ontario’s ability to compete on a global scale by providing the province with cutting edge smart grid technology. This is an important part of the province’s five-year Open Ontario plan to create new job opportunities and promote economic growth in the province’s clean energy economy.

“Through this important partnership, we are creating jobs and establishing centres of excellence for Ontarians in high-growth sectors of the economy. The global demand for clean technologies is increasing and today, we’re taking another step forward in establishing Ontario as a market leader,” said Sandra Pupatello, Minister of Economic Development and Trade.

“A smart grid will greatly enhance the reliability of Ontario’s electricity system and provide real choices to Ontarians in managing their electricity consumption. This investment reaffirms our commitment to creating a strong, reliable, clean energy system while cleaning up the air we breathe for future generations,” Brad Duguid, Minister of Energy.

“GE is an integral part of our region’s economy, and this latest investment is welcome news for our community. I’m pleased that our government continues to partner with local businesses, creating good jobs for people in Markham and throughout the province,” Dr. Helena Jaczek, MPP Oak Ridges-Markham.

“Today’s announcement is an excellent example of how business and government can partner to develop innovative technologies that address Ontario’s needs while having applicability to sustainable energy demands globally,” Elyse Allan, President and CEO, GE Canada.

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