Rusty Williams elected UTC chairman of the board
ORLANDO, FLORIDA - Rusty Williams, Manager of Planning and Engineering at Southern Company Services in Birmingham, Alabama, was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Utilities Telecom Council.
The election was held during UTCÂ’s Annual Membership Meeting, held in conjunction with UTCÂ’s annual conference, UTC TELECOM 2008 at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida.
Rusty held several leadership roles with the UTC prior to being elected including serving as UTCÂ’s Vice Chairman and Public Policy Division Chair.
Other UTC Officers elected were Jeffrey Katz, Enterprise IT Consultant at Public Service Enterprise Group in Newark, NJ as Vice Chairman and Troy West, Manager of Telecommunications at Cleco Corporation in Bunkie, LA, as Secretary/Treasurer. Williams succeeds Jeffrey Selman, Manager of Telecom and Protection Engineering at the Tri-State Generation & Transmission Association who served as UTC Chairman for the past year.
“UTC is very fortunate to attract such dedicated volunteers whose commitment extends far beyond their companies, recognizing the interdependence of all UTC member utilities,” noted William R. Moroney, UTC President and CEO. “These individuals were selected by their peers to lead because they have an incredible depth of experience and knowledge about the critical information communications technology needs and can extrapolate these needs to that of the entire critical infrastructure industry. I look forward to working closely with these volunteers over the next year.”
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