Canada takes action on standby power consumption

OTTAWA, CANADA - The Government of Canada has passed legislation that will allow the tighter regulation of standby power consumption by electronic goods such as computers, battery chargers and TVs.

The amendments to the Energy Efficiency Act also allow the Government to set up standards for other products that affect energy consumption such as windows, doors, thermostats and energy-system control devices.

“These amendments to the Energy Efficiency Act make Canada a leader on the world stage in regulating standby power,” commented Minister of Natural Resources, Lisa Raitt. “This legislation is further proof of our Government’s commitment to helping Canadians decrease their energy costs and helping industry improve energy performance.”

Improvements standby power consumption could reduce the average householdÂ’s electricity consumption by 3-5% and overall save enough electricity to power over 300,000 homes.

The Government of Canada has committed to an absolute reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 20% by 2020 and in this yearÂ’s budget earmarked $2.4 billion to support a cleaner and more sustainable environment.

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