FPL CEO applauds new energy bill

WASHINGTON D.C. - Chairman and CEO of FPL Group Lew Hay is giving a hearty endorsement for the new energy and climate bill.

“Senators John Kerry and Joe Lieberman deserve tremendous credit for crafting a proposal that would move the country in the right direction on energy and climate issues,” he said in a statement. “After years of debate and half measures, the United States still lacks a long-term national energy strategy, leaving us behind other countries in building and exporting the clean energy economy of the future. If we are to continue to lead the world in technological advances, job creation and economic security, we need a new approach.

“The most essential step – which is at the heart of the American Power Act – is to set a price on carbon dioxide emissions. With a gradually escalating price on carbon that begins to reflect the full social costs of emitting greenhouse gases, the country will make a smooth transition from the high-carbon fuel sources of the past to the next generation of low- and zero-emitting domestic energy sources.”

Although Hay does admit that the legislation has been diluted, it does provide a broad enough base to appeal to all parties.

“No legislation is ever perfect, this bill included, but Sens. Kerry and Lieberman have shown true leadership in their efforts to reach a balanced solution that all parties to this debate should be able to support. We applaud their efforts and look forward to working with them to get a bill signed into law.”

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