Direct Energy announces rate increase for May 2012

CALGARY, Alberta - - Direct Energy Regulated Services has announced default natural gas rates starting May 2012. These rates will apply to customers who have not chosen a competitive supplier within the ATCO Gas North and South service territories. The rates have been verified by the Alberta Utilities Commission.

North Service Territory

The North territory includes customers living in and north of the City of Red Deer.

For customers in the ATCO Gas North service territory, the May regulated natural gas rate is decreasing from the April rate of $1.594 per giga-joule GJ to $1.448 per GJ.

This rate reflects a market price for May supplies of approximately $1.520 per GJ as reported by the NGX, and incorporates an adjustment of $0.072 per GJ for April and prior months.

The typical residential gas bill for May based on an average 6 GJ of consumption would be approximately $64 in the North.

South Service Territory

The South territory includes customers living south of the City of Red Deer.

For customers in the ATCO Gas South service territory, the May regulated natural gas rate is decreasing from the April rate of $1.700 per GJ to $1.331 per GJ.

This rate reflects a market price for May supplies of approximately $1.520 per GJ as reported by the NGX, and incorporates an adjustment of $0.189 per GJ for April and prior months.

The typical residential gas bill for April based on an average 6 GJ of consumption would be approximately $49 in the South.

Further information on regulated gas supply and a complete list of competitive retailers can be found on the Alberta government's customer choice website at:

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