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Paul Tyno named chairman of PLMA

BUFFALO, NEW YORK - The Peak Load Management Alliance (PLMA) has announced that they have chosen BuffaloÂ’s own Paul J. Tyno as their new Board Chairman.

Elliot Boardman, the Executive Director of the PLMA, said “We are very pleased with the results of this election, and are confident that Mr. Tyno will serve a significant role in representing the PLMA’s mission. I look forward to working with him to further the development of our organization.”

As Executive Vice President of Market Development for Energy Curtailment Specialists (ECS), Paul is well suited for this role. He has been with ECS since 2003, and has since been instrumental in making the company one of the leading demand response providers in the nation. Paul is at the forefront of the energy industry and is responsible for the implementation of ECSÂ’s demand side management curriculum. He works closely with prospective clients, federal and state regulatory organizations, businesses/trade associations, economic development corporations and affiliate service providers.

“The Peak Load Management Alliance represents the finest energy professionals and cutting edge service providers in the industry today,” remarked Paul. “To be chosen Chairman of an organization of this caliber is truly an honor and I look forward to furthering their acknowledged position as the industry’s leading resource”.

In addition to his position at ECS and his newly elected position in the PLMA, Paul is also a member of the Association of Energy Service Professionals (AESP), Pricing and Demand Response Committee. Paul has established himself as a figurehead in the energy industry by addressing numerous organizations with respect to demand side management issues including the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, the United States Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, California Manufacturers and Technology Association as well as the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) Ireland.

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