'Rewards for Recycling' to divert 90 truckloads of material from landfill

TORONTO, ONTARIO - As part of its ongoing commitment to providing customers with eco-friendly products and services, Canadian Tire with support from the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) is rewarding Ontarians for recycling their used air conditioners, dehumidifiers and halogen lamps.

The Rewards for Recycling program takes place at Canadian Tire stores across Ontario the weekends of October 18th and 19th and October 25th and 26th. Residents who return a used air conditioning unit or dehumidifier will receive a $25 gift card, while those returning a halogen floor lamp will be rewarded with a $10 gift card.

The Rewards for Recycling program will not only divert close to 90 truckloads of product from landfill, but will also result in total gross energy savings of approximately 10.38 million KWh, an estimated equivalent of the total consumption of over 12,200 households.

"The Rewards for Recycling program is one of the many ways Canadian Tire is helping to make a positive impact on the environment," says Reg McLay, senior vice president, marketing and business development. "By working with the OPA we are able to reward Ontarians for their environmental efforts and deliver on our commitment of providing our customers with eco-friendly products and services."

"Developing a 'culture of conservation' means responsibly managing all elements associated with saving energy," says Paul Shervill, vice president for conservation and sector development, OPA. "We commend Canadian Tire for encouraging energy savings and for promoting sound environmental behaviour that considers the full lifecycle of consumer technology, including its proper disposal."

The Rewards for Recycling program takes place at more than 200 Canadian Tire stores across Ontario. Store locations and business hours can be obtained by visiting canadiantire.ca.

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