ROR Power advances 16 hydroelectric projects

BRITISH COLUMBIA - Run of River Power Inc. (ROR Power) announced that it has successfully advanced 16 new run-of-river hydroelectric power projects in central British Columbia.

This is the result of the completion of Stages 1 and 2 toward securing Water License and Crown Land rights from the Integrated Land Management Bureau (Ministry of Agriculture and Lands) and the Water Stewardship Division (Ministry of the Environment).

The power projects will be located in the upper Klinaklini and Mosley watersheds, south of Tatla Lake area and approximately 220 km west of Williams Lake on the Chilcotin Plateau of central British Columbia. The area falls within the traditional territories of the Ulkatcho First Nation (Anahim Lake Band) and the Nanwakolas Council.

The Klinaklini projects have design capacity estimated at 184 MW while the Mosley cluster is estimated at 96 MW. The combined total output for these projects is estimated to be in excess of 900 Gwh of green energy per year, enough power to meet the energy needs of approximately 90,000 homes.

Chief Operating Officer for ROR Power, Brian Hansen, stated, "Hydrological and base line environmental studies are set to commence. In addition, local communities and First Nations will also be consulted prior to seeking the necessary approvals to build these projects and related infrastructure."

Jako Krushnisky, President and CEO of ROR Power, commented, "We are extremely pleased to be moving these projects forward with the formal commencement of the First Nations referrals process with both the Ulkatcho First Nation and the Nanwakolas Council. The referral process will involve developing an impact and benefits agreement dealing on such matters as long-term economic participation and employment initiatives for members of their communities. These project clusters have similar attributes to existing development initiatives in our run-of-river portfolio and are also in proximity to our planned biomass opportunities, providing excellent potential for increased infrastructure efficiencies."

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