Output from Three Gorges reaches record high

BEIJING, CHINA - Following the breakthrough production of 10 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) in July 2008, power output of the Three Gorges Power Station, the largest hydropower station in the world, reached 11.3 billion kWh, a new record high, in August 2008.

This is equivalent to about 3.3% of the total power output in China during the period, China Three Gorges Project Corporation announced on September 5.

Runoff in the Yangtze River during this year's flood season has not been as severe as in previous years. So far, the maximum inlet flow of the Three Gorges Reservoir has been 41,000 cubic meters per second, which is 10,000 cubic meters per second less than the maximum flow of the same period last year.

The flow in the upstream of the Yangtze River was 25% less than the annual average in July this year. In August, the accumulated duration with a discharge of over 35,000 cubic meters per second was only six days.

Through optimal reservoir and power dispatching, water resources were fully utilized without any waste of water in peaking regulation. In July, power output of the project reached 10.3 billion kWh.

In August, all units of the project were basically kept on full load operation, the maximum daily and monthly power output reached 389 million kWh and 11.3 billion kWh, respectively, creating a record high since the first unit of the project began operation in July 2003.

As of September 5, the total installed operational capacity of the Three Gorges Power Station reached 17,600 megawatts. Twenty-five of the 26 units proposed in the preliminary design have been put into operation. The last unit is currently under general assembly and is expected to begin operation at the end of October or the beginning of November this year.

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