DOE names MGE green power program nation's best

ATLANTA, GEORGIA - Madison Gas and Electric (MGE) received the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Utility Green Power Program of the Year Award. The award was announced at the Green Power Leadership Awards banquet in Atlanta, Georgia.

DOE's awards recognize the country's top individuals, companies and organizations that are significantly advancing the development and use of green energy. "The Department of Energy applauds these organizations for taking a leading role in advancing markets for renewable energy," said Secretary Steven Chu.

"We share this prestigious award with our customers who helped us achieve this top national ranking," said Gary Wolter, MGE chairman, president and chief executive officer.

MGE was recognized for expanding its wind power program by eight times, significantly reducing the price premium and growing the number of participants purchasing 100% green power to 70%. The company was also recognized for its Clean Power Partners program which helped stimulate the local solar market through education and a premium buyback rate.

Ten percent of MGE's electric customers purchase some or all of their electricity from renewable resources. MGE's green pricing program has the second highest participation rate of all investor-owned utilities in the country according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

The Green Power Leadership Awards are competitive awards that recognize outstanding commitments and achievements in the green power marketplace in three categories: purchasers, suppliers and market development.

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