Northwest power panel calls for conservation
PORTLAND, OREGON - A panel that sets policy for the Bonneville Power Administration says the Pacific Northwest can rely on conservation to meet most of the new demand for electricity over the next two decades.
The Northwest Power and Conservation Council released its plan in Portland for public comment.
The panel has representatives from Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington State.
Every five years it produces a long-term energy plan to guide the BPA, the largest electricity supplier in the region.
The plan envisions that adopting more energy-efficient technology and practices could offset 85 percent of the demand for new electrical generation in the Northwest in the two decades ending in 2030.
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Iran supplying 40% of Iraq’s need for electricity
TEHRAN - “Iran exports 1,200 megawatts to 1,500 megawatts of electricity to Iraq per day that is dealing with severe power shortages and frequent blackouts,” Hamid Hosseini said.
As he added, Iran also exports 37 million to 38 million cubic meters of gas to the country.
On September 11, Iraq’s electricity minister, Luay al Khateeb, said the country needs Iranian gas to generate electricity for the next three or four years.
Iraq was exempted from sanctions concerning Iranian gas imports; however, the U.S. has been pressing all countries to stop trading with Tehran.
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