SDT North America
For More Information Contact:
SDT North America
P.O. Box 682
Cobourg, Ontario Canada K9A 4R5
Poor greasing practices are a leading cause of bearing failure. Less than 40% of bearings will last long enough to deliver their engineered value and over or under lubrication is most often to blame.
Many lube departments re-grease on a wasteful calendar-based schedule. But, this leads to over and under greased bearings that fail to deliver their engineered value.
Grease reduces friction in bearings. Less friction means longer life. LUBExpert alerts you when friction levels increase, guides you during re-lubrication, and prevents over and under lubrication.
LUBExpert is an ultrasound solution that helps you Grease Bearings Right. Use the right lubricant at the right location using the right intervals and the right quantities while receiving the right indication of a task well done including bearing status.