Energy saving has huge impact: Report

TORONTO, ONTARIO - Ontario's six largest electricity distributors say conservation efforts since 2005 have saved enough electricity to power almost 46,000 homes for one year.

A report by the six distributors, collectively known as the Coalition of Large Distributors, says their 1.7 million customers in southern and eastern Ontario saved 302.5 million kilowatt-hours in 2006.

That was enough to power 33,611 homes for one year and the 2006 results reflect a 274-per-cent increase in electricity savings over 2005.

During the past two years, the six distributors say they have removed more than 413 million kilowatt-hours from the grid and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by just over 116,000 tonnes.

Under a variety of conservation programs launched since 2005, the report says more than 8,000 fridges and freezers were retired and more than 12,000 energy guzzling air conditioners were removed from service.

In addition, says the report, almost 27,000 residential load control devices were installed and 1.5 million compact fluorescent bulbs were provided to consumers.

Energy Minister Dwight Duncan says the coalition has shown “tremendous leadership in spearheading new conservation and demand management programs.”

The Coalition of Large Distributors consists of Enersource Hydro Mississauga, Horizon Utilities, Hydro Ottawa, PowerStream, Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited and Veridian Connections.

They provide power to 40 per cent of Ontario's electricity customers.

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