Toronto man charged for trying to export nuclear technology

TORONTO, ONTARIO - Police say a Toronto man is facing charges of illegally trying to export nuclear technology following a joint Canada-U.S. investigation.

In a release, the RCMP allege the man tried to procure and export pressure transducers, which are used in the production of enriched uranium.

The transducers have a legitimate commercial use, say the RCMP, but can also be used for military purposes.

Police allege the man took steps to conceal the identification of the transducers so he could export them without export permits.

Mahmoud Yadegari is in custody awaiting a bail hearing on charges under the Customs Act and Export Import Permits Act, and police say further charges may follow.

The charges follow an investigation by the RCMP, customs agents, The Dept. of Foreign Affairs and the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security.

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