AMMP welcomes Lutron as a new founding member

FORT COLLINS, COLORADO - Allied Manufacturers of Motorized Products (AMMP), a newly formed consortium of leaders and manufacturers of interior and exterior window coverings and shading, projection screens and media concealment products, welcomed Lutron Electronics Co., Inc. as a new founding member of the alliance.

“AMMP is extremely pleased to have Lutron join our alliance as the newest founding member,” said Robin Reining, spokesperson for AMMP. “With the addition of such a major player in the motorization industry, we’re looking forward to gaining more exposure and growth of both the AMMP alliance and the entire motorization category within the automation industry. Lutron is a great fit for AMMP and we’re grateful to have yet another visionary leader join us in our quest to spread the word about the benefits of motorization.”

Lutron is a designer and manufacturer of lighting controls and automated window treatments worldwide for residences and commercial applications. Lutron product offerings include residential and commercial lighting solutions, shading solutions and mixed-use space systems.

The Alliance brings together the most prestigious manufacturers of interior and exterior window coverings and shading, projection screens and media concealment products as founding members, including BTX Window Automation, Inc., Electronic Solutions, Inc. (ESI), Hunter Douglas, Inc., Lutron Electronics Co., Inc., Media Decor, The Right Track, Skyco Shading Systems, Inc., Stewart Filmscreen and Window Modes, LTD.

AMMP is also currently seeking to add as founding members other visionary companies willing to invest in building the home control and automation industry.

The AMMP Alliance is a marketing and promotional resource designed to increase sales of motorization products, boost awareness of motorization products within the home automation and commercial marketplace, educate current and potential customers about available technologies, promote motorization to end users and build relationships between automation dealers and motorization manufacturer dealers. In addition, the alliance will create a strong synergy dedicated to making motorization products standard within the building industry.

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