Sierra Club takes new step to block coal plant

TOPEKA, KANSAS - An environmental group is launching a new legal attack on a proposed coal-fired power plant in southwest Kansas.

The Sierra Club said it has asked the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to require a study of the environmental effects of a new coal-plant and possible alternatives.

Hays-based Sunflower Electric Power Corp. wants to build the plant and brokered a deal in May with Kansas Gov. Mark Parkinson to clear state regulatory hurdles.

The Sierra Club is represented by lawyers for Earthjustice, another national group. They want the Rural Utilities Service, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, to do the study.

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Here's what we know about the mistaken Pickering nuclear alert one week later

TORONTO - A number of questions still remain a week after an emergency alert was mistakenly sent out to people across Ontario warning of an unspecified incident at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. 

The province’s solicitor general has stepped in and says an investigation into the incident should be completed fairly quickly.

However, the nuclear scare has still left residents on edge with tens of thousands of people ordering potassium iodide, or KI, pills that protect the body from radioactive elements in the days following the incident.

Here’s what we know and still don’t know about the mistaken Pickering nuclear plant alert:

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