SaskPower finishes repairs after severe storms

- SaskPower, the energy provider in Saskatchewan, recently announced that their customers in the Prince Albert area can look forward to a more secure power supply for the winter months thanks to some recent repairs to local power infrastructure.

Severe storm damage to SaskPowerÂ’s transmission and distribution system in June 2012 resulted in significant damage to six of SaskPowerÂ’s lattice towers, located southeast of Prince Albert.

In order to restore service to customers and reinforce the electrical system, SaskPower crews energized a power line that had not been used for several years, and also constructed a temporary bypass, which allowed for repairs to the permanent line.

Thanks to the diligent work of SaskPower employees and contractor crews, these repairs and construction of nine new towers are now complete, one month ahead of schedule.

SaskPower has completed maintenance work on the back-up power line, and has also conducted a comprehensive review of its emergency plans. It is expected that these improvements will allow the company to respond more effectively in future outage situations.

SaskPower maintains and operates more than 152,000 kilometers of power lines in Saskatchewan. With a rapidly developing economy and the second largest service area in Canada, building, renewing and replacing transmission and distribution infrastructure is a corporate priority.

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