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Reservoir to receive solar panels

HILLSBORO, OREGON - Honeywell announced that the City of Hillsboro, Oregon has awarded the company a solar project that is expected to cut the cityÂ’s energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

Under the agreement, Honeywell will install ground-mounted solar panels next to the Hillsboro Evergreen Reservoir water storage facility and sell the electricity the panels produce to the city for use at the reservoir. The panels are expected to generate more than 104,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, almost 20 percent of the power needed for the 15 million-gallon Evergreen Reservoir.

Energy Trust of Oregon, a nonprofit organization that promotes the use of efficient energy technologies and renewable resources, will help fund part of the project. Honeywell also will work with Renewable NRG, an Energy Trust Trade Ally based in Portland, Ore., to install the solar panels. SolarWorld Group, a global manufacturer of solar technology with a new state-of-the-art fabrication plant in Hillsboro, will supply the solar modules and installation hardware.

“The project directly supports our 2020 Vision Action Plan, which we put in place to positively shape the growth and development of the community,” said Tom Hughes, Mayor of Hillsboro. “The power purchase agreement allows us to stabilize and reduce our utility costs, and it will benefit the Hillsboro economy by using local resources.”

The project will deliver environmental benefits as well, cutting carbon dioxide emissions by an estimated 3.6 million pounds over the 20-year agreement. According to figures from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, this is equivalent to removing more than 295 cars from the road for a year.

“The Hillsboro solar project is a great example of a forward-thinking municipality demonstrating that renewable energy can positively impact not only its budget, but also the community’s environment,” said Kacia Brockman, solar program manager for Energy Trust of Oregon.

Honeywell expects to install the solar panels and begin providing electricity for the Evergreen Reservoir by July.

“Renewable energy projects like the Hillsboro installation help create environmental and financial value within a community,” said Kent Anson, vice president of Global Energy for Honeywell Building Solutions. “Honeywell worked with the city to identify the renewable resource and contract structure that would provide the greatest overall benefit. We look forward to providing electricity to the city in the near future.”

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