Underwater power cable planned for Lake Champlain
NEW YORK STATE - State officials unveiled a new plan to run a high-voltage electricity transmission line from Canada down through New York’s Champlain Valley. The “Champlain-Hudson Express Project” would carry power along the 300-mile long corridor to New York City.
At a public meeting in Ray Brook, Adirondack Park Agency staff member Holly Kneeshaw said the design calls for the power line to be submerged under the water of Lake Champlain.
"The transmission line consists of two 1,000 megawatt high voltage direct current bi-poles," Kneeshaw said.
The lines will be "submarined" the length of Lake Champlain to Whitehall, according to Kneeshaw.
"They will go down the Champlain Canal and overland around Fort Edward and then back into the [Hudson] River again, and then down to New York City," she added.
Hydro-Quebec is a major supplier of electricity to the northeastern U.S.
The 300-mile-long corridor, called the “Champlain-Hudson Express Project” would carry power to New York City.
According to Kneeshaw, state environment officials with the DEC are reviewing the plan.
The state has been looking for ways to build new power transmission lines across the North Country without disrupting scenery or communities.
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