Exelon seeks carbon output cuts

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Exelon Corp, the largest U.S. nuclear power operator, said it would seek to slash carbon output from its own operations and those of its customers by 15 million metric tons per year by 2020.

The plan seeks to reduce or offset emissions of the carbon dioxide gas blamed for contributing to global warming by the equivalent of removing 3 million cars from the roads, the company said.

Nuclear power plant operators have long supported efforts to trim carbon dioxide emissions because their power plants emit virtually none of the greenhouse gas, in contrast to coal-fired power plants which are among the nation's top emitters of carbon.

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The crisis in numbers: How COVID-19 has reshaped Saskatchewan

REGINA - We’re only just beginning to grasp how COVID-19 has upended Saskatchewan’s economy, its government and all of our lives.

The numbers that usually make headlines — job losses, economic contraction, bankruptcies — are still well behind the pace of the virus and its toll.

But other numbers change more quickly. Saskatchewan people are using less power. We’re racking up fewer speeding tickets. And as new restrictions come, we’re clicking onto Saskatchewan.ca as much as 10,000 times per minute.

Here’s some data that provides a first glimpse into how much our province has changed in just six weeks.

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