Largest combined-cycle power plant running in Beijing

BEIJING, CHINA - Just in time for the opening of the 2008 Olympic Games, Taiyanggong Gas Thermal Power Plant, the largest combined-cycle power plant in China, was put into official operation in Beijing on July 22.

Taiyanggong Gas Thermal Power Plant is an important support project for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The project is built and operated by Beijing Taiyanggong Gas Thermal Power Company Limited (BTGTPC), a project company jointly invested by Power Beijing and GD Power Development Company Limited, the listed flagship of China Guodian Corporation.

The project is furnished with two 350-megawatt (MW) 9F-class gas-steam combined-cycle generating units with an annual power output of about 3.4 billion kilowatt-hours and a heat-supply capacity of 10 million square meters in an area of 40 square kilometers.

During the construction of the project, BTGTPC overcame a series of technical difficulties such as arrangement of the units and noise treatment. With strong support from the municipal government, construction quality, progress and cost control are within desired boundaries.

Unit 1 of the plant was successfully connected to the grid on December 29, 2007, and Unit 2 passed the 168-hour trial operation in March 2008.

The project is currently ready to supply heat and power to the Olympic venues.

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