News Archive Article

IESO releases 18-month outlook

TORONTO, ONTARIO - The reliability outlook for Ontario's electricity system is generally positive and improving over the next year and a half, said the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) in its latest 18-Month Outlook.

About 4,300 megawatts (MW) of new supply is scheduled to come into or return to service over the Outlook period, with further enhancements planned on the transmission network. Ontario's import capability will increase by about 30 per cent with the new 1,250 MW interconnection between Ontario and Quebec, scheduled to be completed by next spring.

"Ontario's reliability picture has improved compared to what we experienced last summer," said Ken Kozlik, IESO Chief Operating Officer. "We are heading into this summer with an additional 1,300 MW of supply on-line from the Portlands Energy Centre and two nuclear units that were unavailable last summer."

Under normal weather conditions, sufficient supply is forecast in Ontario to meet electricity demands for most of the summer with occasional reliance on imports from neighbouring jurisdictions. In cases of extreme weather, Ontario may rely more heavily on imports.

Lower energy demand is being forecast for 2009 compared to 2008 as a result of increasing conservation efforts and a slowing economy. Peak demands are also expected to decline in the 18-month forecast period.

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