ComEd customers can enroll in new energy efficiency programs

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - ComEd customers now can take advantage of a number of new and enhanced energy efficiency programs that are expected to yield more than $155 million in savings during the programs' lifetime.

Launched as "Smart Ideas," the new portfolio of energy efficiency measures includes CFL discounts, appliance recycling rebates and more. The portfolio could place ComEd among the top three utilities in the nation within a few years, in terms of annual electricity savings achieved through energy efficiency.

ComEd established valuable partnerships with numerous key stakeholders and performed a national review of energy efficiency best practices to develop Smart Ideas. This three-year portfolio of programs will empower both residential and business customers to manage their energy bills in the future and could:

- Reduce energy consumption by 1.2 million megawatt-hours, which is the energy needed to power 140,000 homes for one year;

- Reduce peak load by 330 megawatts, which eliminates the need for large peakers or single unit coal plants; and

- Reduce carbon by the equivalent of removing 100,000 cars from the road.

Enrolling in one of ComEd's new Smart Ideas energy efficiency programs is part of ComEd's 12 Ways to Green campaign, launched earlier this year to raise customer awareness about energy efficiency and other environmental initiatives. ComEd's energy efficiency programs align with Exelon's plan to reduce, offset or displace more than 15 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year by 2020. This is more than the Exelon family of companies' total current carbon footprint and is equivalent to taking nearly 3 million cars off roads and highways.

"Rising energy prices and global climate change are issues we all face. ComEd is working to provide our customers with the information and tools necessary to take control of their energy bills and reduce their environmental impact," said Anne Pramaggiore, executive vice president, Customer Operations, Regulatory and External Affairs, ComEd. "At ComEd, we are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help our customers conserve energy and save money through Smart Ideas. By addressing the real and global concern of climate change locally, we can all live in a more environmentally sustainable world."

"The energy efficiency programs ComEd is launching today represent a major investment in a clean and affordable energy future, and Environment Illinois is thrilled to be here to help kick-off this critical effort. Saving energy is both our first line of defense against global warming and the best way to lower energy bills for all Illinois families and businesses," said Rebecca Stanfield, state director, Environment Illinois. "It is extremely gratifying to see the vision we had two years ago becoming a reality, and more importantly, as these programs grow exponentially over the next eight years, we appreciate that ComEd is committed to working with us and the other stakeholders to make them work for consumers and for the environment."

This program provides residential customers with several options to conserve energy and save money. Customers can purchase select compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs at a discount all year long, receive bill credits in exchange for allowing their central air conditioner's compressor to be cycled on-and-off during times of peak energy use, and receive a $25 cash rebate to recycle their working second refrigerator, freezer or window air conditioner (limited time offer per calendar year).

This program provides commercial and industrial customers with a menu of energy efficiency measures, including environmentally friendly lighting, motors, HVAC equipment and chillers. These customers also would receive an incentive from ComEd for the implementation of these technologies.

ComEd announced the Smart Ideas portfolio at Jackson Park Supportive Living in Chicago's 5th Ward. Located at 1448 E. 75th Street, Jackson Park is a center for seniors who can still live independently. ComEd's Energy Doctor George Malek showcased the energy efficiency measures of both the residential and the business programs during a tour of the "top six energy savers" within the facility. These included:

1. Replacing CFLs in common areas could equal $424 in monthly energy cost savings

2. Installing occupancy sensors in dining rooms could equal $17 in monthly energy cost savings

3. Replacing CFLs in residential areas could equal $224 in monthly energy cost savings

4. Upgrading exit signs with energy efficient lighting could equal $93 in monthly energy cost savings

5. Replacing with ENERGY STAR(R) ceiling fans could equal $28 in monthly energy cost savings

6. Installing an energy efficient control for the vending machines could equal $33 in monthly energy cost savings

ComEd conducted an energy audit of Jackson Park and recommended a series of energy efficient measures the facility could make through the Smart Ideas incentive program, which would benefit the facility and its 90 residents by helping them conserve energy and save money. ComEd also provided 200 free CFLs to replace all incandescent bulbs throughout the building's common areas, and also gave an energy efficiency kit to every resident. The kits included CFLs, draft stoppers, energy efficient night lights and consumer tip guides.

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