BioSolar hailed as a true green technology

SANTA CLARITA, CALIFORNIA - BioSolar, Inc. is touted in the May 19 edition of RECHARGE, a news source for the global renewables industry, as a company on a “mission of nothing less than developing plant-derived polymers that could replace the petroleum-based plastics used in the production of the majority of photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules.”

Dr. David Lee, Chairman and CEO of BioSolar sums up the company’s long-term plans in the feature article, “Our goal is to make it [our backsheet] as durable as the tedlar-based backsheets, but more affordable for solar-module manufacturers — and also one that is a 100% green product.”

BioSolarÂ’s line of proprietary BioBacksheet protective coverings are designed to replace expensive and hazardous petroleum-based film with a bio-based one, creating a more environmentally-friendly and cost-effective solar panel component.

BioSolar is in the home stretch of its commercialization of a range of ‘sustainable’ backsheets designed as an alternative to reflective film materials such as mylar or tedlar that are conventionally applied to the back of crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar modules.

“The robustness of BioSolar’s backsheet comes from its make-up,” according to RECHARGE News. “Within its combination of materials is a cellulosic component — based on recycled cotton — that provides structure, and a nylon-polymer derived from castor-bean oil.”

The company recently announced that the BioBacksheet will be the companyÂ’s first product to be commercially available during the second half of 2009. The announcement follows BioSolarÂ’s recent news that two of its products are currently in the Pre-Production stage and nearing qualification for full production.

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