New hires enhance NERA's capabilities in energy

WASHINGTON, D.C. - NERA Economic Consulting, a leading global provider of economic advice and analysis in business, legal, and regulatory matters, announced the addition of two experts to the firm's Energy, Environment, and Network Industries Practice.

Edward Kee, an electricity industry consultant, joins NERA's Washington, DC office as a Vice President. Mr. Kee brings to NERA his specialized expertise in nuclear power, electricity markets, restructuring, regulation, and private power. Fore more than 20 years, he has provided expert witness testimony and advice to senior management on a wide range of energy-related issues. Mr. Kee was previously a vice president with CRA International.

Dr. Gregory Hamm joins NERA's San Francisco office as a Senior Economist and co-head of the Energy and Infrastructure Risk Advisory Group. Dr. Hamm has over 20 years of financial modeling experience and specialized expertise in decision analysis and real options.

"We are pleased to welcome Ed and Greg to NERA's team of experts," said Dr. Michael Rosenzweig, NERA Senior Vice President and Energy, Environment, and Network Industries Practice Chair. "Their expertise will be invaluable as NERA continues to expand its presence in the key growth areas of nuclear energy and energy risk management."

In addition to leading CRA's nuclear consulting effort, Mr. Kee has been a partner with PA Consulting Group. He holds an MBA from Harvard University and a BS in Systems Engineering from the US Naval Academy. He has authored numerous articles on nuclear power and electricity markets and regulation, and is a frequent presenter at industry conferences.

Dr. Hamm was founder and CFO for both Angi Corporation, a developer of renewable energy sources focused on India, and Stratelytics LLC, a consultancy focused on the energy industry. He was also a partner at Applied Decision Analysis and Price Waterhouse Coopers. Dr. Hamm holds a PhD and MS in Engineering-Economic Systems from Stanford University, and an MS and BS in Civil Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. He has lectured at Stanford, the University of California, Berkeley, and CSU Hayward.

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